Archive for October, 2010


Ancillary Task – Poster Draft

October 15, 2010

Revised film idea

October 13, 2010

As we are developing the characters and story we have made some amendments firstly we feel the dead man’s hand although a neat idea wouldn’t be a strong enough hand to win a tense game of poker. It would be more appropriate to have a pair of aces this would also fit as the main character is cheating and would want the best possible hand to win the money. The winning is likely to be £10,000 as the treatment is just under this amount and it’s a rounded number. There will also have to be a point where our main character goes ‘all in’ and is inevitably called by an opposition for the most tense finish.


Breaking the fourth wall

October 11, 2010

In our film we intend to break the fourth wall and acknowledge the audience which breaks the normal conventions of films. The effect of breaking the fourth wall challenges the audience and makes them think critically about why the fourth wall has been broken. To do this we are thinking of creating a stop-time effect where the main protagonist speaks to the audience through his narration – “If only it was that easy”.